Or can she? I've fallen victim to the ole saying and now I have a closet full of shoes and not enough shoe caddies for all the footwear. I think I've purchased an average of a pair a month for the past year. That would bring me to about 8 new shoes this year. September's pair is pending. Here's what I'm considering:

As the salesman at Lorin said, "They don't look that special on the shelf, but they look great on." I've tried them and can testify his words are true. I want...
I can't remember who asked me, but they asked if I shopped a lot. I said, "yea, I'm probably trying to fill some sort of void I'm not aware of." While I haven't figured out what exactly I'm trying to satisfy, Lord knows the void is not in my closet. Still, I could make room for these.