Wednesday, December 10, 2008


One of the few things missing from our wedding planning venture is a florist. It's hard to decide who to go with, there are so many out there and the potential for really funky arrangements.

Things I hate in floral arrangements:
1) tons of types of flowers
2) tall centerpieces
3) hangy things coming off centerpieces
4) enormous bouquets
5) purple themes

Things I love in floral arrangements:
1) A few types of full flowers
2) shorter centerpieces
3) simplicity
4) light yellow, pink, and peach color themes

example of love:

I love the big blooms and the fact that these flowers are arranged in porcelain vs. glass. CUTE!

example of hate:

Too much going on, with hanging fruit. blech!

Decisions, decisions...


Oishii Eats said...

OMG...I hate tall vases too. They're so 80's...doesn't anyone see that.

Im so excited for your wedding choices. You've got such style and grace!

On My Journey... said...

I don't like the huge center pieces either, you can't see everyone at the table.
Funny we have the same taste =)