Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Doiliest of Lamp Shades

I guess I really like doilies.  Two thirds of what I found at the flea market this weekend resemble a doily.
One is a milk glass candy dish which has scalloped edges that make you think, "Why yes I'll have a butterscotch, thanks grandma."  The other...OH-HO the other...such a find.

As we wandered through the labyrinth that is the Rose Bowl Flea Market in 90 degree heat, we stumbled upon a cute little stall with what I would call shabby chic accessories and furniture.  I started looking through a pile of lamp shades to adorn the vintage lamp my uncle got me years ago.  The woman started telling me that she takes vintage pillowcases and turns them into great unique lampshades.  I found this one that I absolutely loved, I took it home, and put it up immediately. 

Isn't it just adorable?

You can imagine my surprise when I removed the plastic wrapped around it to find that it actually looks like this:

I just happened to be lying in bed admiring the lampshade when one scalloped edge fell down.  I started overreacting immediately.  "What!?! I paid $40 bucks and it's falling apart already?"  The hubby walked over to the lamp and said, "Hey, I think it's supposed to do that."  He pulled down all the scalloped edges and I felt silly right away.  Not only had I been wrong, but I had bought this thing not knowing what it was really meant to look like.  Good thing I like it even more now.  As they say, 'all's well that ends well.'

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Clocks Can Be Cute Too

What!?!  A clock that looks like a doily!?!
Sign me up!
As a fan and frequent browser of Etsy, I found the perfect clock for the craft room. 

Kirie 01 Bamboo Clock 
Decoylab has a great shop full of handcrafted items, most of them made from bamboo.  Not only are there delicate doilyesque clocks like this one, there are cute little animal ones too.  You could get a hedgehog clock if you really wanted to.  I'd seen a few of these around the boutiques on 3rd street, but hadn't come across this one until I browsed Etsy.  You can bet I pressed the heart button and added this shop to my favorites. 

It's a little pricey for a 7" clock, but I think worth it since it IS handcrafted and unique.  But don't worry, the hedgehog is a bit cheaper. 

Friday, July 01, 2011


After two years of harassing my husband to paint the rooms, they are finally done.  I now have no excuse to leave the rooms in disarray.  He reminds me from time to time that it is now my turn to do my thing.  He in no way nags the way I had for the past few months, but I now feel eager to furnish the rooms in unique and fun pieces. 

First room at hand is our bedroom.  It is now a rich purple gray and just screams for romantic touches.  I frequented TJ Maxx, Marshalls, and Ikea, but seemed to be attracted to the accessories and details of the room rather than the main pieces of furniture to set the stage for this romantic boudoir.  After months of searching  I found myself in the following predicament: I had scoured the furthest reaches of the internets and malls and came up with an empty cart.  PBteen had some cute ideas, but everything was a little too mass produced and expensive.  My next option was to thrift it. 

Yesterday my brother (the artistic eye) and I roamed around Pasadena antique shops and used stores to see if any treasures could be found.  Turns out the Huntington Collection in Pasadena, which hosts estate donations is quite a gold mine.  There are some great steals for pieces in really great condition.  Here's our find...Behold the nightstands:
The pair only set me back $60.  Quite a bargain for a set of Italian made wooden pieces.  With my romantic room in mind, the curve of the legs and top edges fit in perfectly.  Even reminiscent of this PBTeen find:

Cute Bedside Table
Only my find has a bit more character.

Now the hard part awaits...making this beautiful piece of furniture what I envision for the room.  Already bought in preparation for this feat: sandpaper, tack cloth, black spray paint, and sealing spray.  Though, I'm not quite ready to tackle this yet.
Once I am, you'll be first to know.