First room at hand is our bedroom. It is now a rich purple gray and just screams for romantic touches. I frequented TJ Maxx, Marshalls, and Ikea, but seemed to be attracted to the accessories and details of the room rather than the main pieces of furniture to set the stage for this romantic boudoir. After months of searching I found myself in the following predicament: I had scoured the furthest reaches of the internets and malls and came up with an empty cart. PBteen had some cute ideas, but everything was a little too mass produced and expensive. My next option was to thrift it.
Yesterday my brother (the artistic eye) and I roamed around Pasadena antique shops and used stores to see if any treasures could be found. Turns out the Huntington Collection in Pasadena, which hosts estate donations is quite a gold mine. There are some great steals for pieces in really great condition. Here's our find...Behold the nightstands:
The pair only set me back $60. Quite a bargain for a set of Italian made wooden pieces. With my romantic room in mind, the curve of the legs and top edges fit in perfectly. Even reminiscent of this PBTeen find:

Only my find has a bit more character.
Now the hard part awaits...making this beautiful piece of furniture what I envision for the room. Already bought in preparation for this feat: sandpaper, tack cloth, black spray paint, and sealing spray. Though, I'm not quite ready to tackle this yet.
Once I am, you'll be first to know.
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